Sunday, 1 December 2013

Clusters of the Natuna Islands to boot has beautiful scenery , with wide beach keasriannya still awake .

Natuna thus beautiful and encompasses plenty of potential visitors can notice beaches, like Cape Coast , Coastal Sebagul , Selahang sea-coast , Coastal Setengar , and so on . Some locations even become a favorite spot for skin-dive enthusiasts , observers turtle geographic area , and underwater travel lovers

Natuna Island could also be a neighborhood of Riau Islands province . The island is found inside the South China oceanbetween earth state , Borneo , Vietnam and land . to reach the island of Batam Island Natuna got to cross by boat to Tanjung Pinang rider for one hour , and from Tanjung Pinang mistreatment little craft to a special service in Ranai AU , Natuna Island

Group of islands inside the northern province of Riau Islands is called . Land and ocean is affluent in numerousminerals , like quartz sand , gas , and fossil fuel .

In the waters of the ocean inside the fashion of natural wealth contained fish and completely different marine life . to notmention the marvel of the beaches and so the reefs ar really charming . For the voters of Natuna ,nice Natuna Island and so the little islands around it is a ton of ordinarily named as Bunguran .

According to legend , the first inhabitants of nice Natuna Island is Demat Megat . Once there was a boy World Health Organization frantic a trifle of wood . The boy , per the story , derived fromThailand|Siam|Asian country|Asian nation} ( Kingdom of Thailand ) . At that time the island has not been named .

Sea water that was then washed wood mendamparkannya on Associate in Nursing island . Either over the strength of that the boy suddenly turned large and bushy . it had been he World Health Organization thenreferred to as Demat Megat . By Wan Tarhusin , residents Natuna legend that tells that , Demat Megatadditionally has the power and magic .

Demat Megat , World Health Organization became the first occupants of the great Natuna Island , then married with a female child named Engku Muhammedan Kingdom of Johor . At that time EngkuMuhammedan was sailing towards the cluster of Natuna Islands thus landed on the coast of the great Natuna Island .

Under associate outsized tree on the island that is said as bungur Engku Mohammedan met with Demat Megat . as a results of reciprocally attracted , they later married and lived on the island . From the name of the treewherever the meeting between Mohammedan and Demat Megat Engku land or island that was later said asBunguran .
It runs lasting wedding and a blessing for Engku Muhammedan . previously he has been married forty times ,however shortly once marrying her husband forever died . entirely with Demat Megat Engku Muhammedanwedding could also be eternal .

By Kingdom of Johor , later dubbed Datuk Megat Demat affluent . \" The title was awarded for the first time ,and therefore the title is that the best degree , \"
Diversity that makes Natuna have gotten richer . Not entirely thanks to its natural resources and each onepotential marine into grace , but to boot a wealth of background those who inhabit it . History , legend ,and therefore the name became the background that makes what is happening presently plenty of deep-nonmoving .

Generally , legend tells of meeting a diffusion of ethnic groups in associate extremely new and sugar apple. . Natuna ,presently meeting the {increasingly|progressively|more and plenty of} gets additional meaning as a results of the encounter culture , tribes , and nations , that on balance is anticipated to any enrich the Natuna .

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